Foroozan MohtashemiPour



216.514.8700 ext; 101

Foroozan MohtashemiPour joined Fairmount Properties as the Director of Innovation District Strategies and Development. Ms. MohtashemiPour drives projects to strategically advance the development and expansion of Fairmount Properties’ innovation district portfolio. She oversees the Innovation District at Marshall University, the Innovation Hub at Ball State University, and is responsible for North American innovation initiatives as part of Fairmount Properties Eds and Meds platform. Her experience in the healthcare industry is foundational in her work with Fairmount’s healthcare, higher-ed and community partners to design goals, establish programming, and develop objectives which are in alignment with the institution’s mission. In addition, she also plays a key role on the innovation leasing team which identifies and secures third party companies to occupy space within various projects. Ms. MohtashemiPour comes to Fairmount Properties with an MBA from Case Western Reserve University and is also board certified by American Society of Clinical Pathologist in Cytotechnology CT(ASCP).